Edge Computing for 5G Networks

The 5G PPP Initiative and the 5G IA present a new white paper entitled “Edge Computing for 5G Networks”.

This white paper provides a brief introduction to the Edge computing concept, as well as an exhaustive technology review focusing on virtualisation, orchestration, network control, and operational frameworks. The paper also presents a discussion about the role of security, and an analysis of several business aspects around the Edge ecosystem.

Moreover, the white paper provides an in-depth analysis of Edge solutions that have been selected, deployed and validated by 17 different EU funded 5G PPP projects.

The main focus of the whitepaper, describing 5GPPP projects approach to Edge Computing and 5G. This analysis has been based on 17 answers from Phase 2 and Phase 3 5GPPP projects to an Edge Computing Questionnaire created specifically for this whitepaper. The questionnaire asked about the type of infrastructure deployed, the location of the Edge used in the project, the main technologies used for these deployments, the Use Cases and Vertical Applications deployed at the Edge, and what drivers were used to select those.

Edge computing solutions have been extensively used by many 5G PPP projects and for diverse use cases. The analysis of the received answers provides some useful insight to the reader about the usefulness of Edge Computing in real networks.

The white paper “Edge Computing for 5G Networks” is available at https://5g-ppp.eu/white-papers/

