Statements for IoT and Edge: Manufacturing
Observable – the ‘things’ must be easy to encompass and monitor
Security through open source tools – security by obscurity does not work, so these tools have to be open – everyone can audit them and also the best technology is accessible to anyoneHristo Stefanov, Smartcom
Make Data spaces happen
Matthias Kuom, European commission
NGIoT for applications in Factories of Future
Michail Beliatis, Aarhus University
Focus on Medical IoT, Distributed Edge computing, AI, and DLT technologies.
Erkki Harjula , Assistant professor, Oulun yliopisto
Having being an activite partcipant to the birth of IOT (M2M) standardisation work for a large european operator for around 15 years, I am now consultant for SMEs discovering IOT belonging to the vertical domains of application like automotive and energy. I am very curious to discover the industrial IOT products coming out from this long successful work.
Marylin Arndt ,CEO, 5GImpulse
Generate Trust to manufacturing systems
Jacques Kruse Brandao, SGS, Germany